
If the item is a movie, like DVD or Blu-ray, the placeholders described on this page are available.

{{ Actor }}

Contains one or more actors. If there is more than one actor, it is formatted as a comma separated list.

Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik, Amr Waked, Mason Lee

{{ ActorHtmlList }}

An HTML list containing all actor’s names.

        <li>Scarlett Johansson</li>
        <li>Morgan Freeman</li>
        <li>Choi Min-sik</li>
        <li>Amr Waked</li><li>Mason Lee</li>

{{ ActorArray }}

An array containg all actor’s names. Can be used with template filters like join or Loops.

    [0] => Scarlett Johansson
    [1] => Morgan Freeman
    [2] => Choi Min-sik
    [3] => Amr Waked
    [4] => Mason Lee

{{ AspectRatio }}

The movie’s aspect ration like “16:9 - 2.40:1”.

{{ AudienceRating }}

The movie’s audience rating, like “PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)”.

{{ Director }}

Contains one or more directors of the movie. If there is more than one director, it is formatted as a comma separated list.

Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski

{{ DirectorHtmlList }}

An HTML list containing all directors names.

        <li>Andy Wachowski</li>
        <li>Larry Wachowski</li>

{{ DirectorArray }}

An array containg all directors names. Can be used with template filters like join or Loops.

    [0] => Andy Wachowski
    [1] => Larry Wachowski

{{ RunningTime }}

The movie’s running time, like “89 minutes”.

{{ Subtitles }}

A comma separated list of the item’s supported subtitles.

English, German

{{ SubtitlesArray }}

An array containing the item’s subtitles, for example:

    [0] => English,
    [1] => German

{{ SubtitlesHtmlList }}

A prepared HTML list, containing the subtitles {{ Subtitles }}, for example:
