Keywords Preloading¶
This section currently contains an overview for the preloading function for [asa2_keywords] shortcodes. The list contains entries of all known preloadable shortcodes.

The “ID” column refers to the unique identifier option of the [asa2_keywords] shortcode (see id). The Timeout column contains the time information (hours:minutes:seconds) for how long this keywords shortcode remains in the cache.
Background Information¶
To render a [asa2_keywords] shortcode, ASA2 sends one request to the Amazon PA API. The results remain in the cache as long as it is defined in the “Options / Cache / Keywords cache” section. If the cache expired, another request would be needed to refresh the results. Typically, this occurs when the first visitor comes to the page with the shortcode, which may cause some delay in page loading.
To avoid this, you can set a [asa2_keywords] shortcode a unique ID (see id) so that ASA2 can remember it. If you have defined this ID, ASA2 will save it automatically when the shortcode is loaded in the frontend and the corresponding entry will appear in this admin section list.
Preloading via Cronjob¶
Using a periodic cron job, ASA2 can now refresh these known shortcodes before the cache becomes invalid. Thus, the request is sent without involving the user, at least if it is a real server-side cronjob.
Learn more about the Keywords Preload Cronjob.