These placeholders are available on every kind of product.
{{ ASIN }}¶
The item’s ASIN.
{{ AssociateId }}¶
The Associate ID used for the product. If no custom Associate ID was provided, the default will be used (as configured in Setup).
{{ Binding }}¶
The product binding, e.g. “Toy”
{{ Brand }}¶
The product brand, e.g. “LEGO”, “Sony” etc.
{{ CountryCode }}¶
The country code of the Amazon store the item has been loaded from.
{{ EAN }}¶
The item’s EAN.
{{ EditorialReviews }}¶
An array containing the editorial reviews. >ou can get the contents directly from the placeholder {{ EditorialReviewsContent }}
{{ EditorialReviewsContent }}¶
Contains the editorial product reviews. Note that not every product has editorial review contents. Therefore use the the template conditions to test if it is empty or not.
{% if EditorialReviewsContent is not empty %}
Editorial review: {{ EditorialReviewsContent }}
{% endif %}
{{ Features }}¶
Contains a comma separated string of all product features.
{{ FeaturesArray }}¶
An array containing the product features. Can be used with template filters like join or Loops. Fore example use template for
loops to access all features as you like or use {{ FeaturesHtmlList }} which contains a prepared HTML string.
This placeholder is not supported by every product. It could be empty.
{% if FeaturesArray is not empty %}
{% for feature in FeaturesArray %}
<li>{{ feature }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ FeaturesHtmlList }}¶
Contains the product features list in a prepared HTML format as an unordered list (<ul><li> …)
{{ IsAvailable }}¶
Contains boolean true if the product is available, false otherwise.
The product is considered available, if it has a {{ OffersAutoPriceAmount }}. This behavior can be adjusted with option IsAvailable if other offers.
{{ ItemDimensionsHeight }}¶
The item’s height.
23.3 inches
{{ ItemDimensionsHeightUnit }}¶
The item’s height unit.
{{ ItemDimensionsHeightValue }}¶
The item’s height value.
{{ ItemDimensionsLength }}¶
The item’s length.
36.1 inches
{{ ItemDimensionsLengthUnit }}¶
The item’s length unit.
{{ ItemDimensionsLengthValue }}¶
The item’s length value.
{{ ItemDimensionsWeight }}¶
The item’s weight.
18.7 pounds
{{ ItemDimensionsWeightUnit }}¶
The item’s weight unit.
{{ ItemDimensionsWeightValue }}¶
The item’s weight value.
{{ ItemDimensionsWidth }}¶
The item’s width.
7.7 inches
{{ ItemDimensionsWidthUnit }}¶
The item’s width unit.
{{ ItemDimensionsWidthValue }}¶
The item’s width value.
{{ Label }}¶
The item’s label, e.g. “LEGO”.
{{ Languages }}¶
A comma separated list of the item’s supported languages.
English, English (Subtitled)
{{ LanguagesArray }}¶
An array containing the item’s language information, for example:
[0] => Array
[Name] => English
[Type] => Unknown
[1] => Array
[Name] => English
[Type] => Subtitled
{{ LanguagesHtmlList }}¶
A prepared HTML list, containing the language information of {{ Languages }}, for example:
<li>English (Subtitled)</li>
{{ LastItemUpdate }}¶
The timestamp of the item’s last refresh in UTC. Requires the item to be stored in the Products.
2015-01-24 22:39:43
You can manipulate date values with the date filter, e.g.:
{{ LastItemUpdate|date("m/d/Y") }}
{{ LastItemUpdate|date("d.m.Y") }}
// for local time, use the additional timezone parameter:
{{ LastItemUpdate|date("d.m.Y", last_update_timezone) }}
// or use placeholder {{ LastItemUpdateTimezone }} (see below)
{{ LastItemUpdateTimezone }}¶
Since 1.18.0
The timestamp of the item’s last refresh considering the configured timezone and date format. If nothing is configured in options section Templates, the blog defaults will be used.
{{ LastItemUpdate }}
// example: 21.10.2023 10:58 (depending on configured date format and timezone)
{{ last_update_timezone }}¶
Since 1.18.0
Contains the time zone selected in the “Options > Templates” section or alternatively the time zone set for the blog.
Can be used in combination with the “date” function as a second parameter to adjust the UTC time to the local time zone. See: {{ LastItemUpdate }}
{{ LastItemUpdateBlogFormat }}¶
The timestamp of the item’s last refresh in the blog’s date format. Requires the item to be stored in the Products.
24.01.2015 23:39
{{ LinkAddToWishlist }}¶
Contains the URL for adding the product to the user’s wishlist.
{{ LinkAllCustomerReviews }}¶
Contains the URL to the page with all customer reviews.
{{ LinkAllOffers }}¶
Contains the URL to the page with all offers.
{{ LinkTellAFriend }}¶
Contains the URL to the “Tell a friend” page.
{{ Manufacturer }}¶
The item’s manufacturer, e.g. “LEGO”.
{{ OriginalTitle }}¶
Contains the original Amazon title.
{{ PackageDimensionsHeight }}¶
The item’s package height.
4.7 inches
{{ PackageDimensionsHeightUnit }}¶
The item’s package height unit.
{{ PackageDimensionsHeightValue }}¶
The item’s package height value.
{{ PackageDimensionsLength }}¶
The item’s package length.
42.8 inches
{{ PackageDimensionsLengthUnit }}¶
The item’s package length unit.
{{ PackageDimensionsLengthValue }}¶
The item’s package length value.
{{ PackageDimensionsWeight }}¶
The item’s package weight.
23.05 pounds
{{ PackageDimensionsWeightUnit }}¶
The item’s package weight unit.
{{ PackageDimensionsWeightValue }}¶
The item’s package weight unit.
{{ PackageDimensionsWidth }}¶
The item’s package width.
25.5 inches
{{ PackageDimensionsWidthUnit }}¶
The item’s package width unit.
{{ PackageDimensionsWidthValue }}¶
The item’s package width value.
{{ Platform }}¶
The product platforms, like “PlayStation 4” or “Windows”.
{{ PlatformHTML }}¶
The product platforms, like “PlayStation 3” or “Windows” formatted as an HTML unordered list (<ul><li> …).
{{ ParentASIN }}¶
{{ ProductGroup }}¶
The item’s product group, e.g. “Toy”, “Video Games”, “Book” etc.
{{ ProductTypeName }}¶
{{ PublicationDate }}¶
The item’s publication date.
You can manipulate date values with the date filter.
{{ PublicationDateBlogFormat }}¶
The item’s publication date in the blog’s date format.
23.10.2014 01:00
{{ Publisher }}¶
The item’s publisher name.
{{ ReleaseDate }}¶
The item’s release date.
{{ ReleaseDateBlogFormat }}¶
The item’s release date in the blog’s date format.
// or
October 20, 2015
{{ RepoTitle }}¶
If the product is loaded from the Products, {{ RepoTitle }} contains the title of the Repo item.
{{ SalesRank }}¶
The product’s sales rank within its category. One is the highest rating; a large number means the item has not sold well.
You could combine it with {{ ProductGroup }}, like this:
Rank {{ SalesRank }} in {{ ProductGroup }}
{# output: Rank 7 in Video Games #}
{{ Size }}¶
The item’s size.
{{ Studio }}¶
The item’s studio e.g. “LEGO”
{{ Title }}¶
The product title, e.g. “LEGO Star Wars 75030 Millennium Falcon”. If the product is loaded from the Products, it will contain the Repo item’s title, otherwise the original Amazon title.
If you want to customize the title, either use the Products and change the Repo item’s title or use Default Filters.
For example, if you want to display the title in upper case, use the upper filter:
{{ Title|upper }}
Or use the replace filter to replace a part of the title with a new text:
{{ Title|replace({'iPhone': 'Smartphone', 'Galaxy S5': 'Smartphone'}) }}
Also see: {{ OriginalTitle }}, {{ repo_title }}
{{ TrackingId }}¶
An alias for {{ AssociateId }}.