With loops you can iterate through the elements of a list.
For loop¶
This example uses the for
loop to iterate through the elements of the placeholder {{ FeaturesArray }}:
{% for feautre in FeaturesArray %}
<li>{{ feature }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Image gallery¶
This example shows how to use the for
loop to display all product images contained in the placeholder {{ ImageSetsArray }}:
{% if ImageSetsArray is not empty %}
<div class="asa2_gallery">
{% for imgSet in ImageSetsArray %}
<a href="{{ imgSet.LargeImage.URL }}" rel="lightbox[{{ ASIN }}]"><img src="{{ imgSet.MediumImage.URL }}" /></a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Note: The parameter rel="lightbox[{{ ASIN }}]"
prepares the images for the use with lightbox plugins.
Three column design¶
This is an example of how to split an array into three parts and show the values in three columns. It uses ASA2’s custom filter divide.
{% for part in FeaturesArray|divide(3) %}
<div style="float: left; width: 33%;">
{% for column in part %}
<li>{{ column }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<div style="clear: both;"></div>