Basic Settings

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A shop is a WordPress custom post type and therefore naturally needs a title, which you can freely assign. If the product template supports this, the title can be displayed on a buy button, according to the motto “Buy now at [shop title]”.

URL Tracking Code

Usually, individual parameters in the URL are used to generate affiliate leads. If the individual product URLs should not contain this parameter, it can be stored here. ASA2 will then try to append this parameter to all URLs of products of this shop.

ASA2 Shop Tracking Code

Since we don’t know all affiliate systems in the world, this may not fit for all shops. In such cases, please contact the support so that we can extend the feature.

Default Country

The default country specifies the country that will be preselected when you create a new product for this shop. The country is important to show the correct currency for the price of the product.

ASA2 Shop Default Country

Buy Button Text

With this option you can define an individual text that should appear on the buy button of products of this shop. Otherwise, the default text will appear, which can be customized in the Translation section.

ASA2 Shop Buy Button Text

Disclaimer Text

With this option you can define an individual text to be displayed as a disclaimer text for a product of this shop. Otherwise, the default text will appear, which can be customized in the Translation section.

ASA2 Shop Disclaimer Text


You can set a discount for a shop, which should affect all products of this shop. Expected is an integer between 1 and 99, which will affect the product price as a percentage. If a product has an offer price, the discount will affect it as well.

ASA2 Shop Discount

Data Freshness

If you use the data section of a shop, e.g. to import an external CSV file as a basis for the shop products, you can use the option “Data Freshness” to define how long the product data should be considered valid before it should be synchronized again with the shop data.

This setting is used when using the Product Update Cronjob to determine which products need to be updated.

ASA2 Shop Data Freshness