
The managed template “Sortable_table_2” is specialized for displaying multiple products in a sortable table. It works perfectly with ASA 2 collections or smart collections. It is customizable in general and per shortcode.
Main features¶
Specialized for rendering sortable tables with multiple products
Responsive design (switches to stacked layout on small width)
Customizable without programming skills
Template “Sortable_table_2” does not yet work with AJAX mode.
Demo page¶

To see this template in action with different examples, please refer to the demo page:

Example shortcode:
[asa2_smart_collection cat_slug="coffee-maker" limit="10" tpl="Sortable_table_2" is_available_main="true" /]
Global Options¶
On ASA 2’s admin page “Templates” you can open a customization context window for each managed template. Just hover the mouse cursor over a template row and click the link “Customize” to open it. These settings will effect the appearance of this template.
The globally applied options can be dynamically overwritten via shortcode options.
The following screenshot illustrates the options window by means of the “Book” template:

Shortcode Options¶
In addition to the global options mentioned above, it is also possible to overwrite these settings dynamically in a WordPress shortcode, like this:
// general syntax:
[asa2 option="value"]ASIN[/asa2]
Take a look at other examples.
Complete Options List¶
Complete list of all options available for the template “Sortable_table_2”:
Columns | |||
Option | Type | Values | Description |
col_image | bool | "yes" / "no" | Show image column |
col_title | bool | "yes" / "no" | Show title column |
col_rating | bool | "yes" / "no" | Show rating column |
col_price | bool | "yes" / "no" | Show price column |
col_buy_button | bool | "yes" / "no" | Show buy button column |
Image | |||
Option | Type | Values | Description |
image_size | string |
Image size |
image_max_width | int | 0 between 999 | Image max width. In pixels. 0 - 999. 0 for none. |
image_effect | string |
Image effect |
Title | |||
Option | Type | Values | Description |
title_color | string | CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) | Title color. No default. The title will be displayed in the default text color of your page, if none is set here. |
title_font_css | string | custom text | Title font style. Utilizes the CSS font property. Example: "15px arial, sans-serif;" |
title_length | int | 0 between 999 | Title max length. Limits the title to a maximum length of characters. 0 for unlimited. |
title_link_to_shop_page | bool | "yes" / "no" | Title links to shop page |
title_auto_height | bool | "yes" / "no" | Title auto length. Applies some CSS rules to achieve one line titles. |
Price | |||
Option | Type | Values | Description |
price_color | string | CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) | Price color. The color in which the price text is displayed. |
price_font_css | string | custom text | Price font style. Utilizes the CSS font property. Example: "15px arial, sans-serif;" |
Button | |||
Option | Type | Values | Description |
button_target | string |
Button target. Decides whether the button should link to the product page or the buy page. |
Misc | |||
Option | Type | Values | Description |
table_behavior | string |
Table behavior |
show_feed_index | bool | "yes" / "no" | Show feed index. Only works when used with [asa2_feed] shortcode. |
disclaimer | string |
Disclaimer. Shows a disclaimer text. |
structured_data | string |
Structured Data. Include structured data at the end of the template |
custom_css | string |
Custom CSS. Custom CSS that is applied to all occurrences of this template on a page and is only included once in the source code. |
Shortcode Options Examples¶
// to limit the title length:
[asa2_smart_collection tpl="Sortable_table_2" title_length="50" cat_slug="coffee-maker" limit="10" is_available_main="true" /]
// to show images in medium size:
[asa2_smart_collection tpl="Sortable_table_2" image_size="medium" cat_slug="coffee-maker" limit="10" is_available_main="true" /]